Dog Who Was Found Outside Loves Pillows So Much Now

Dog Who Was Found Outside Loves Pillows So Much Now

“She never moved or even tried to get up."

Juniper and her siblings were found when they were just tiny puppies, living in the woods of Alabama all alone. Their rescuers think their mom gave birth in the woods somewhere, and the litter spent their first several weeks of life surviving on their own in the wild after their mom disappeared. They were eventually taken in by Brown Dog Coalition, a rescue that often takes in dogs from Alabama shelters, and that’s how her new family eventually found her. 
“After we saw her photo, we couldn't resist,” Rich Droser, Juniper’s dad, told The Dodo.

Juniper is now almost 2 years old, and her favorite thing in the world is being snuggled up somewhere with her family. After spending the first part of her life outside in the woods, Juniper can’t resist a fluffy pillow or a soft blanket, and it’s even better if her family is there to share it with her. 

“She imagines she is a lapdog, so she hangs out with us all the time,” Droser said. “We'll throw blankets and whatever else is on the sofa on top of her sometimes too. Depending on how tired she is, things can just pile up on her until she gets too warm, or food comes out!” 

One afternoon after a long day at the dog park, Juniper came home and flopped herself onto the couch, seemingly ready for a nice, cozy nap. As she settled herself in, a pillow fell on top of her — and she didn’t move. She seemed to enjoy having the pillow on top of her, keeping her warm and comfy, and so her parents came up with the best idea. 
As Juniper lay all cozied up on the couch, her family began stacking pillows on top of her. Pillow after pillow, Juniper stayed in exactly the same spot, getting warmer and cozier by the second. 
“She never moved or even tried to get up,” Droser said. 

Finally, there were seven rather large pillows all stacked up, and underneath them all was Juniper — very content indeed. 
Eventually, Juniper got out from under her tower of pillows, but most likely only because she got too warm. After her rough start to life, it’s Juniper’s goal to always be as comfortable as possible, and her family is more than willing to help her out with that.
